Hi, my name is Jeff Turner. I live in the United States in Columbus, Ohio. I completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts and a Bachelor of Art Education from the Ohio State University in 1980 and 81. In 1983 I was working on a Masters in Fine Arts at OSU when I left to pursue an entrepreneurial interest in the field of adult continuing education. This effort lead to a job offer in Chicago, Illinois which I accepted. My resume can be found on my Linked-In account.
Out of college, I identified with the Surrealists creative process. That meaning, André Breton, the founder of Surrealism, defined surrealism as "Pure psychic automatism”. According to the undisputed, Wikipedia,”Automatic drawing was developed by the surrealists as a means of expressing the subconscious. In automatic drawing, the hand is allowed to move 'randomly' across the paper. In applying chance and accident to mark-making, drawing is to a large extent freed of rational control. Hence the drawing produced may be attributed in part to the subconscious and may reveal something of the psyche, which would otherwise be repressed.”
For me, like the surrealists, the process of image making was also a process of self discovery.
My technique of painting and drawing has another dimension beyond "Pure psychic automatism". There is a psychoanalytical or personality organization aspect that evolves as the images and symbols emerge. A projection process, similar to the Hermann Rorschach projective technique or the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), takes over in the drawing process as images develop form and symbolic significance. Once images become exposed, they often reveal some of the dominant drives, emotions, conflicts, and complexities of personality. In C.G. Jung terms, I was exploring my psychology of the psyche.
More recently I have been working in the area of political cartoons. Inspired by the election of Donald Trump, I found myself drawn to U.S politics. See the "Political Images" tab. Like most Americans, I find the current political environment troubling. In my drawings, I am simply reflecting my perspective on the current political narrative circulating through popular media.
Whatever your reason for visiting this page, I hope you enjoy the art.
Contact Information:
If you might be interested in buying a piece, you can find me at these locations:
Some of my recent work: